Your place for all things pronunciation and voice.

1:1 Coaching

Schedule a private Zoom coaching for accents, dialects, pronunciation, VO-coaching, and audition coaching.

One hour - 105

Half hour - 50

Private sessions »

The PROnunciation GYM

The Pro-Gym is a monthly membership packed with weekly lessons, feedback, and monthly live check-ins. A virtual gym for your mouth with personal feedback and support.

75 / month

Become a member »


Online and in person workshops pop up throughout the year. They include accents and dialects, intro to VO, and voice technique.

Price varies per workshop

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Your voice is perfect. Your speech is perfect. Working on your English pronunciation for specific purposes is not meant to change your identity or accent, but to allow you to have confidence when speaking publicly, as well as give you tools to turn on whatever accent in English you need for acting purposes.


Words mean more than what is set down on paper. It takes the human voice to infuse them with meaning.

— Maya Angelou


Follow @theaccentguru

For free video tips and tricks, info on workshops, and new events, follow @theaccentguru on Instagram.